Photo 52: A Play on Light

Week 30: Photographer's Choice

Since there are five weeks in the month of March our blog circle decided to allow for personal freedom for this final week of "Artificial Light" study.  I must admit, it's been a nice breather from the more technical aspects of trying to conquer my speedlite.    

Our Harlem apartment has recently undergone a transformation in preparation for our new baby's arrival, most notably the installation of sliding doors.  One afternoon this past week, while I was sitting in the living room, my toddler began opening and closing the doors.  As I watched him take note of his shadows, I quickly grabbed my camera to capture him playing with them (yes, while eating a banana!) through the frosted glass.  It was a very playful part of our day - and yet, the photos retain an eery quality which I really like.    


Please continue along to see the rest of Photo 52's images for this week.  Next in line is Erica Collins, extraordinary photographer, road tripper and mother of five beautiful children.