Letters To My Sons | August

A Boy And His Dog

Dear Grey,

We’ve had Lizzo for just over a year now and you’re still thanking me, telling me how much you love her, how happy you are that we have a dog, and how, to this day, you can’t believe I tricked you into thinking you were just going to see some farm animals. “I can’t believe you got a dog two years early Mom, when I was eight. ‘Cause you used to always say, ‘Maybe we’ll get a dog when you’re ten Grey or … or maybe never.’” Little did you know we’d be bringing home a puppy bulldog from that farm, named after one of our favorite superstars.

“Mom! Look at her legs! Her face! Look at her butt wiggling! Hurry look — her tongue is sticking out!” You are continuously pointing out her most recent cuteness: she is the first thing you run to in the morning, the first thing you ask about when I pick you up from school — “Mom, how was Lizzo today?” — and the last thing you hug and kiss before turning in for the night.

There’s no doubt you are one of those kids who simply HAD to grow up with a dog. Paulo was right. And while you clearly adore Lizzo in the present, it doesn’t stop you from fast forwarding to the day when you’re all grown up and have your own dog. “I want a Siberian husky when I’m eighteen years-old. Will you help me find one Mom? A breeder, I mean. And will you help me get the right food … a crate … toys? Just basically everything you got Lizzo.” I assure you that I will help, but remind you that at that age, you’ll be able to do all that yourself. “Yeah, I think it might be a good idea to start with a small pet first, like maybe a turtle or a bird, before getting my husky. You know, for practice.”

By now, everyone in your orbit — friends, teachers, tutors — knows about your future husky. You even created an illustrated essay about it last week, that Craig, your occupational therapist, showed me when I came to pick you up. It didn’t surprise me in the least.

The main reason for getting a dog was you, Grey, and it’s also the main reason for keeping one. Believe me, I’ve had my moments where I wanted to throw in the towel: hospital bills, surgeries, and poopy crates in the middle of the night. But every time I think how a world without Lizzo would be absolutely crushing for you. The love you have for her is beyond compare.

“You think I’ll be a good dog owner Mom?” you ask, while showing me a livestream of your favorite husky YouTuber. It’s not hard for me to imagine you as a young man with your loyal and loving dog beside you. “You will be the best of the best Grey! How lucky can one husky be!”

I love you. Always and forever.
