Backlight - Week 2
It's week two of Photo 52's present theme of backlighting which, simply put, occurs when the light source is behind the main subject. For this week's image I wanted to capture one of my favorite playgrounds on Central Park West in the early morn. It's now mid-October and with children back in school, their summer memories, long shadows and fallen leaves are all that remain on these grounds. Shooting into the light created a haze effect that I think translates the time of year even more - a season of crisp light and impending chill.
While I was taking this photograph I felt as if I could hear the echoes of children laughing amidst the deserted landscape. Something to capture and hold onto until the following spring.
Lonely ride harvest
Please continue along the chain to see what Erica Collins, my friend and wildly gifted photographer, has captured this week by clicking HERE.